Write that novel: Structure your story

World Building the Easy Way

Whether you’re writing a fantasy or a general fiction novel, there’s no escaping from world building. So what is it? The simplest definition I can find on the internet is that world building is the construction of a world in the realm of fiction.

4 Ways To Rekindle Your Love For Writing

As everything goes in life, the writing process can have its ups and downs. Motivation can come in cycles, and it can be hard to stay on track with writing. Hence, there are some tricks you can employ in order to have that persistent inspiration and willingness to record your thoughts and story.

Be Conscious of How You End Your Writing Sessions

It is just as important for writers to focus on how to end their writing session as how they begin it. This is because when a writer leaves her writing for the day, she must leave their writing in such a way that they will be inspired to write the next day. Also, if you feel good about what you accomplished, you are more likely to be motivated to come back to your writing the next day with a lot of pep and zeal. Further, how you end your writing session will help you to switch gears and have an inspiring time after our writing session. The great feeling we have at the end of our writing session can carry over into other parts of your life. In this article, I will outline a few tips to make your end session as conscious as possible so that you can have a successful writing session the next day.

How to Get Your Butt Into the Chair to Write

It is just as important for writers to focus on how to end their writing session as how they begin it. This is because when a writer leaves her writing for the day, she must leave their writing in such a way that they will be inspired to write the next day. Also, if you feel good about what you accomplished, you are more likely to be motivated to come back to your writing the next day with a lot of pep and zeal. Further, how you end your writing session will help you to switch gears and have an inspiring time after our writing session. The great feeling we have at the end of our writing session can carry over into other parts of your life. I will show you how to do this in this article.

Looking at My Life Pattern

Today I share my life challenges and the steps I used to overcome them. Though I am still learning about life but I am self-assured that my future is bright. I was constantly looking for a change in my life by viewing everything with the same mindset.

9 Ideas That Will Help You Find The Right Content For Your Next Blog Post

One of the most common challenges that writers and bloggers across the world face is coming up with ideas and topics to write about. They often find it very difficult to think of an idea that would not only engage their audience, but also keep them motivated to write. Writing on the right topic is absolutely essential for bloggers to build a following. If bloggers continue to write on similar topics over and over again, their followers are likely to get bored, that will result in fewer visits, comments and shares.

When Writing, Let Content Be Your Branding

With the rise of digital era and social media, the expansion of creative entrepreneurs is still on the growing rate. And especially if you are a writer, because what ever you write – being that related to your work or not – it sends the message out to the world who you are; what are your values; what do you strive for. With every word we write we literally paint an image – we brand ourselves.

A Morning Coffee While Lost In Time

One of the best things about being a writer is that you can be anything else and be a writer as well. A writer can be more effective by becoming familiar with, and perhaps becoming an expert in a great many other things. Once you know something, tell others about that through words that you craft. That is what a writer does.

Expose Yourself – How To Write With Personality

Learn how to show your personality and attract more attention to your articles and online presence. Find out how to create a sense of loyalty by showing off your unique personality traits.

Maybe Obama Should Write International Criminal And Spy Novels – Iran Contra Part II?

It is known that President Obama is leaving a huge legacy from his 8-years in the White House as the first Black President, amongst his claimed achievements are ObamaCare, The Iranian Nuclear Deal, and Economic Recovery after the 2008 Financial Crisis. Unfortunately, ObamaCare has turned out to be a disaster and the worst is to come, as new taxes and rules will hit on January 1, 2017 and be felt after he leaves office. Meanwhile the Economic Recovery was the worst recovery we’ve ever had, and is starting to fizzle – with stock prices at an all-time-high and a long-term recession on its way as international markets stutter.

Top Ten Productivity Busters

There are so many ways that writers can fall into the unproductive habits. These habits can create a lack of productivity and success for writers. Yet, all writers can fall into these productivity busters once in a while. However, knowledge is power. Therefore, if we are aware of these productivity busters, we can avoid a lot of difficulty for ourselves in the long run. In this article I will outline ten productivity busters that if avoided will help you to be most productive and successful.

5 Tips on Writing a Novel

To be a good writer you must read. Read what you love but also read widely in other genres and other types of writing to find out what you consider good and not so good writing.

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