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Fan Fiction – How to Start

How to Write Fan FictionFan fiction is a lot like writing your own You need to start with a The plot is what makes your story unique from other Then you need to fill in the details…

How Can You Spread the Word About Reading?

What I really want to do is write a book about how important reading And, I’m not just talking about books I mean reading magazines, newspapers, novels, short stories, I want people to know that reading is…

What Is Fan Fiction?

Fan fiction writers have a lot of freedom in terms of the subject matter they can This is because there is no requirement that the story be based on anything in The only requirement is that it be…

Preptober special: Three top tips for National Novel Writing month success #nanowrimo

Preptober special: Three top tips for National Novel Writing month success #nanowrimo

Remembrance and Thoughts of September 11, 2001 On this day, when reminiscing about the tragedy of September 11, 2001, my emotions are once again awakened. I was moved while watching…

Writer's microvlog: Where I talk writing, process, advice every Wednesday #shorts

Writer’s microvlog: Where I talk writing, process, advice every Wednesday #shorts

Article: Write Books Publishers Want I have four management books with three primary publishers. My books are also printed overseas in many languages including Russian, Chinese and Polish. Step Outside…

How to write a book: drafting and editing

How to write a book: drafting and editing

You Are a Writer (Yes You Are!) You are a writer. You are a writer of power, passion, strength and, yes, courage. For writing is an act of courage. You…

How to use Scrivener to write a novel

How to use Scrivener to write a novel

About Me I have always been aware of my need/desire to observe what goes on but not necessarily become involved. Sometimes, I would participate so as to not cause alarm…

How to write a book: the first draft

How to write a book: the first draft

Analysis of the Basic Writings of Kafka It’s an analysis of Kafka’s Basic writings. The analysis probes the literary, psychological and philosophical underpinnings of Kafka’s writings. Analysis of a Collection…

How to write a book: plotting versus pantsing

How to write a book: plotting versus pantsing

Analysis of Kafka’s The Trial It’s an analysis of the Novel—The Trial by Kafka. The analysis proceeds on dissecting literary, political, psychological and philosophical content of the novel. Collection of…

Walk through writer's block #shorts #creativewritingtips

Walk through writer’s block #shorts #creativewritingtips

Yes You Most people have failed in life because they always look down upon themselves. Success and greatness begins with you, so believe in yourself. Yes you can The Essential…