5 Tips for Beginning Writers - How to write better for your blog!

5 Tips for Beginning Writers – How to write better for your blog!

Three Lessons From To Kill a Mockingbird One of the best ways to improve your writing is by reading. You can observe what works and what doesn’t work in the…

How Stories Affect Us

How Stories Affect Us

Cheat Your Way to Writing Blockbuster Headlines The ability to writing great headlines hold the key to getting people to read your article or sales copy – whether you publish…

Show don't tell: The Write Channel tip of the week with Nicola Monaghan

Show don’t tell: The Write Channel tip of the week with Nicola Monaghan

Losing Touch? You Need A Retreat I believe that entrepreneurship is a creative endeavor. But sometimes it can feel more like a task factory than a creative outlet. As you…

More Creative Writing Advice and tips from Stephen King

More Creative Writing Advice and tips from Stephen King

Experiences Color Artistic Lenses If you have a dozen people look at the same thing, chances are you’ll get a dozen different descriptions or thoughts on what the object is….

Creative Writing Advice from Neil Gaiman

Creative Writing Advice from Neil Gaiman

Questions for Generating Creative Ideas As creative beings, it is in our nature to be curious. Whether it is the colors of a leaf, the way the feathers of a…

Stephen King On Writing: Creative Writing advice

Stephen King On Writing: Creative Writing advice

I Was So Immersed In My Thoughts About Boko Haram That I Forgot My Shoes Were All Gone! As the bus rumbled east, I begun to notice a strange-looking man….