How to write a novel using microsoft word

How to write a novel using microsoft word

How To Write A Book That Is More Than Just A Book Pick an universal theme, any universal theme, and run with it. Never stop running. When trying to decide…

How to write a book: drafting and editing

How to write a book: drafting and editing

You Are a Writer (Yes You Are!) You are a writer. You are a writer of power, passion, strength and, yes, courage. For writing is an act of courage. You…

How to write a book: the first draft

How to write a book: the first draft

Analysis of the Basic Writings of Kafka It’s an analysis of Kafka’s Basic writings. The analysis probes the literary, psychological and philosophical underpinnings of Kafka’s writings. Analysis of a Collection…

How to write a book: plotting versus pantsing

How to write a book: plotting versus pantsing

Analysis of Kafka’s The Trial It’s an analysis of the Novel—The Trial by Kafka. The analysis proceeds on dissecting literary, political, psychological and philosophical content of the novel. Collection of…

My writing workspace

My writing workspace

Critical Analysis of Sartre’s Being and Nothingness It’s critical analysis of Jean Paul Sartre’s magnum opus: being and nothingness. The structures of ontological being like being in itself, being for…

Publish your book in less than five minutes!

Publish your book in less than five minutes!

Creative Prompts for Advanced Writers This article contains a list of six difficult writing prompts for advanced writers. These prompts are in the form of scenarios writers may use as…

Write that novel in 2020 with the Write Channel's "How to Write a Novel" course

Write that novel in 2020 with the Write Channel’s “How to Write a Novel” course

Nifty Manuscript Revision and Proofreading Tips for Novels You’ve completed the first draft of your novel. Now you’re supposed to follow that pesky rule that requires you do something called…

How to Write a Book: 13 Steps From a Bestselling Author

How to Write a Book: 13 Steps From a Bestselling Author

The Uses and Misuses Of Apostrophes And How To Make Your Writing User-Friendly Writers need to understand how to use punctuation marks properly in order to facilitate the easy understanding…