Get started with Creative Writing – 5 top tips!
Your Character Is Not The Problem – 5 Ways To Love Your Flawed Character How to love your flawed character and strengthen your writing. Five ways to improve how you…

Find ideas for Stories: The Write Channel “How to Write novel” course
“Writers’ Block” – What Is It and Can It Be Cured? Whether your are a master writer or a newbie writer, ‘writers’ block’ will no doubt become well-known to you…

Write that novel in 2020 with the Write Channel’s “How to Write a Novel” course
Nifty Manuscript Revision and Proofreading Tips for Novels You’ve completed the first draft of your novel. Now you’re supposed to follow that pesky rule that requires you do something called…

How to choose a point of view and narrative style: The Write Channel “How to write a novel” course
Treating Your Writer’s Block: Ten Suggestions Got writer’s block? Here are a few suggestions you can try to jump start your brain into writing creatively again. Finish Off the Content…

Patricia Highsmith: Write Channel Quote of the week
What’s It Like for Book Authors to Be in the Writing Zone? Beginning writers often wonder how professional writers do it. How do the pros continue to write good stuff…

Stephen King on Reading – The Write Channel Creative Writing Quote of the week
Writing To Change The World “You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can’t, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world……

Stare into Space – The Write Channel Creative Writing tip of the week
Give Poetry a Try There are many books on the craft of poem writing. Many of us can admit that we didn’t ‘get’ poetry when we were in school. There…

Write! The Write Channel Creative Writing Tip of the week
3 Act Structure of Screenwriting: The Great Idea – Part 2 “I have a great idea for a screenplay.” I have heard this many times. And they often are great…