Enjoy watching Stephen King telling stories and learn about storytelling from a master of the art

Enjoy watching Stephen King telling stories and learn about storytelling from a master of the art

Ballad of a Growing Intimacy I go back time and again to the love story. Why? That is the most basic level on which humanity exists. Without love who are…

More Creative Writing Advice and tips from Stephen King

More Creative Writing Advice and tips from Stephen King

Experiences Color Artistic Lenses If you have a dozen people look at the same thing, chances are you’ll get a dozen different descriptions or thoughts on what the object is….

Finding ideas for writing  and getting creative: The Write Channel Creative Writing Course

Finding ideas for writing and getting creative: The Write Channel Creative Writing Course

Women And Men The Bostonians are marching. They are all calling out to me. Lowell, Sexton, Plath, with their psychoanalysis. Mummy was cold and elegant. A sophisticated Christian woman who…

Advice for writers by Nicola Monaghan - Creative Writing

Advice for writers by Nicola Monaghan – Creative Writing

How to Unstick Your Imagination We might have practiced with setting daily intentions for creating. We have long-term and short-term goals, perhaps even mapped out on a calendar. So we…

Learn Story Structure: Creative Writing Lessons by the Write Channel

Learn Story Structure: Creative Writing Lessons by the Write Channel

In Medias Res “In the midst of affairs” is the literal Latin translation, but it is easier to remember “in the middle of things”. That is what I’ve read writers…

Stephen King On Writing: Creative Writing advice

Stephen King On Writing: Creative Writing advice

I Was So Immersed In My Thoughts About Boko Haram That I Forgot My Shoes Were All Gone! As the bus rumbled east, I begun to notice a strange-looking man….

How to beat writer's block (creative writing) - The Write Channel Creative Writing Course

How to beat writer’s block (creative writing) – The Write Channel Creative Writing Course

Are We Alone In The Universe? Have you ever looked up at that enormous endless sky above us and wondered if there is anything out there? Are we truly alone…

Creative Writing - 5 top tips to get started

Creative Writing – 5 top tips to get started

Free Association With Writing Activity professionals conduct group activities every day of the week. The challenge for the activity professional is to create new and innovative programs for their geriatric…