Everything You Need To Know About Author Photos

Everything You Need To Know About Author Photos

The Role of a Writer I’ve talked to a lot of writers about why they write and the reasons are as varied as the number of writers I asked. Some…

Easy Breezy Line Edits, 204 "justs" and KITTENS | Line Edit Vlog

Easy Breezy Line Edits, 204 “justs” and KITTENS | Line Edit Vlog

How To Write A Love Song (In Ten Easy Steps) Did you find that perfect girl, but aren’t able to figure out how to let her know how you feel?…

30 Trad Pub Channels on YouTube You Should Be Watching!

30 Trad Pub Channels on YouTube You Should Be Watching!

From Wannabe to Writer This article explains to the wannabe writer how to actually become a writer. It shows that you need no special tools, just to sit down and…



Poetry Writing – The Sestina The sestina is a classic form of poetry that uses repetition to achieve its effects. This article will discuss the history and characteristics of the…

BOOK EDIT MAGIC: Recasting Scenes

BOOK EDIT MAGIC: Recasting Scenes

The Arc of Being: Igniting Characters for Conscious Media Conscious media includes, but is not limited to movies, books, and television that are focusing on humanity’s humaneness or true nature…

Competition in Publishing is LEGIT (Some of this may surprise you!)

Competition in Publishing is LEGIT (Some of this may surprise you!)

Short Story Writing – Six Things You Need to Be A Professional Writer Writing can be an enjoyable and therapeutic hobby, but if you have secret ambitions, how do you…

10 Tips for Writing Dialogue

10 Tips for Writing Dialogue

  The Skillful Use of Questions in Songwriting Have you ever noticed how some really good songs use questions to hook you into a story and get you involved in…

How to write a book: drafting and editing

How to write a book: drafting and editing

You Are a Writer (Yes You Are!) You are a writer. You are a writer of power, passion, strength and, yes, courage. For writing is an act of courage. You…

How to use Scrivener to write a novel

How to use Scrivener to write a novel

About Me I have always been aware of my need/desire to observe what goes on but not necessarily become involved. Sometimes, I would participate so as to not cause alarm…

The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan; all about creative writing

The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan; all about creative writing

10 Ways to Encourage Children to Write Writing is a priceless tool for children to master and use, just like reading is. The earlier they start writing words and sentences…