How to write a book: drafting and editing
You Are a Writer (Yes You Are!) You are a writer. You are a writer of power, passion, strength and, yes, courage. For writing is an act of courage. You…

How to write a book: the first draft
Analysis of the Basic Writings of Kafka It’s an analysis of Kafka’s Basic writings. The analysis probes the literary, psychological and philosophical underpinnings of Kafka’s writings. Analysis of a Collection…

How to write a book: plotting versus pantsing
Analysis of Kafka’s The Trial It’s an analysis of the Novel—The Trial by Kafka. The analysis proceeds on dissecting literary, political, psychological and philosophical content of the novel. Collection of…

How to write a book: first three steps to start your first novel
Take the Comedy Writing Road Less Traveled A quick humor tip for adding humor to your writing. It’s easier to find humor than you think! Indian Writing in English: A…

Write Great Characters – step by step – How to Write a novel
Another Angle From The Kaleidoscope A phone call, a slow paced traffic and a fast car had arrived at the same time. A heartbreaking news has risen up the…

How To Find Your Writing Voice
Revisiting Your Writing – Bringing Writing to Perfection If you have ever written any piece of work; be it a poem, an article, a story, a novel, a psalm or…

5 Surprising Traits That Every Great Writer Has In Common
A Proofreader or an Editor – Who You Gonna’ Call? Your masterpiece is finished! Or is it? Are you absolutely sure? Not one typo? Not one misplaced comma or quotation…

5 Tips for Beginning Writers – How to write better for your blog!
Three Lessons From To Kill a Mockingbird One of the best ways to improve your writing is by reading. You can observe what works and what doesn’t work in the…

Write! The Write Channel Creative Writing Tip of the week
3 Act Structure of Screenwriting: The Great Idea – Part 2 “I have a great idea for a screenplay.” I have heard this many times. And they often are great…