what are some tips for creating a believable and immersive fictional world 1

What Are Some Tips For Creating A Believable And Immersive Fictional World?

Discover expert tips and practical advice for creating a believable and immersive fictional world. Craft captivating plots and characters that will transport readers to another realm.

how do i come up with unique and compelling characters for my story 3

How Do I Come Up With Unique And Compelling Characters For My Story?

Discover the secrets to creating captivating characters for your story. Explore the power of observation, diverse influences, and delving into their psyche. Craft authentic, relatable characters that come alive on the page. Let your imagination soar and breathe life into your story’s inhabitants. Find out more here!

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Tips For Fiction Writers

Fiction writing is one of the most popular ways to get your writing out It’s a great way to express yourself and get your creative juices But it can be a challenge for those who don’t have any…

How to write a book: drafting and editing

How to write a book: drafting and editing

You Are a Writer (Yes You Are!) You are a writer. You are a writer of power, passion, strength and, yes, courage. For writing is an act of courage. You…

How to write a book: the first draft

How to write a book: the first draft

Analysis of the Basic Writings of Kafka It’s an analysis of Kafka’s Basic writings. The analysis probes the literary, psychological and philosophical underpinnings of Kafka’s writings. Analysis of a Collection…

How to write a book: plotting versus pantsing

How to write a book: plotting versus pantsing

Analysis of Kafka’s The Trial It’s an analysis of the Novel—The Trial by Kafka. The analysis proceeds on dissecting literary, political, psychological and philosophical content of the novel. Collection of…

Show don't tell: The Write Channel tip of the week with Nicola Monaghan

Show don’t tell: The Write Channel tip of the week with Nicola Monaghan

Losing Touch? You Need A Retreat I believe that entrepreneurship is a creative endeavor. But sometimes it can feel more like a task factory than a creative outlet. As you…

Stare into Space - The Write Channel Creative Writing tip of the week

Stare into Space – The Write Channel Creative Writing tip of the week

Give Poetry a Try There are many books on the craft of poem writing. Many of us can admit that we didn’t ‘get’ poetry when we were in school. There…

Write! The Write Channel Creative Writing Tip of the week

Write! The Write Channel Creative Writing Tip of the week

3 Act Structure of Screenwriting: The Great Idea – Part 2 “I have a great idea for a screenplay.” I have heard this many times. And they often are great…