Welcome to the Write Channel! All about creative writing
Successful Women Authors There was a time when women could never really amount to much, it was a man’s world and the woman’s place in that world was looking after…

The Write Channel with Nicola Monaghan; all about creative writing
10 Ways to Encourage Children to Write Writing is a priceless tool for children to master and use, just like reading is. The earlier they start writing words and sentences…

Find ideas for Stories: The Write Channel “How to Write novel” course
“Writers’ Block” – What Is It and Can It Be Cured? Whether your are a master writer or a newbie writer, ‘writers’ block’ will no doubt become well-known to you…

Stephen King ‘Set Loose the Monsters’ – The Write Channel Creative Writing quote of the week
What Is Climax in a Unique Article? It is a very well-known and effective figure. In this figure, ideas (or thoughts) or terms (or words or phrases) are placed in…

Patricia Highsmith: Write Channel Quote of the week
What’s It Like for Book Authors to Be in the Writing Zone? Beginning writers often wonder how professional writers do it. How do the pros continue to write good stuff…

Stephen King on Reading – The Write Channel Creative Writing Quote of the week
Writing To Change The World “You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can’t, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world……

“Kill Your Darlings” The Write Channel Creative Writing Quote of the week
We Create From Where We Are, Even the Fear We write from where we are. That includes touching on, even exposing to light, that shadow part of ourselves. How do…

Finding ideas for writing and getting creative: The Write Channel Creative Writing Course
Women And Men The Bostonians are marching. They are all calling out to me. Lowell, Sexton, Plath, with their psychoanalysis. Mummy was cold and elegant. A sophisticated Christian woman who…

Advice for writers by Nicola Monaghan – Creative Writing
How to Unstick Your Imagination We might have practiced with setting daily intentions for creating. We have long-term and short-term goals, perhaps even mapped out on a calendar. So we…

Learn Story Structure: Creative Writing Lessons by the Write Channel
In Medias Res “In the midst of affairs” is the literal Latin translation, but it is easier to remember “in the middle of things”. That is what I’ve read writers…