Writing a Story That Wants to Be Written

Do we create the stories, or just tell them? I’m of the mind that we are just telling the stories. We make the ultimate decisions, but in truly great writing, the author can feel the flow of the story and where it’s going to go.

Story Pace: The Speed That’s Just Right

The pace at which you tell a story is a critical part of story telling. Knowing if you’re moving too fast or too slow at any given time will help keep the flow of your story at its perfect speed. It’s not always easy to know what that ideal pace is, but instinct mixed with your best judgment will help you figure it out one way or another.

Write With a Clear Mind and a Steady Hand

Writing or typing a bunch of words doesn’t sound like it could be that stressful of an event. It’s just words, right? In truth though, it’s never that simple. Plying the craft of writing can be very stressful indeed. Creating flow, and characters who come to life. Writing Scenes that will stick with readers after the final page is turned.

Make a Promise With Yourself: You Have to Keep Writing

Whether it’s for fun or profit, choosing to write is like signing your name to a 30 year home loan. You’ve made a commitment to something, and if you don’t keep your end of the bargain, you’ll never get the payoff of ownership. It’s the same with writing.

Relaying Backstory – The Prologue And Other Methods

One thing I have discovered very quickly is that there are some people, be they writers of fiction or readers of the same, who hold some very seemingly illogical opinions. One such thing I find people very passionate about are the means though which an author should provide backstory.

Newsletter Ideas When Writing Articles For Newsletters

If you are a person who regularly publishes newsletters, it is truly a challenging part to find ideas for your next articles. Somehow, you will also run out of ideas to write about and fear that you will not be able to make one on time for your publishing. To help you easily get articles to write for your next issues of newsletters, here are some newsletter ideas that you can use for your career.

Newsletter Ideas When Writing Articles For Newsletters

If you are a person who regularly publishes newsletters, it is truly a challenging part to find ideas for your next articles. Somehow, you will also run out of ideas to write about and fear that you will not be able to make one on time for your publishing. To help you easily get articles to write for your next issues of newsletters, here are some newsletter ideas that you can use for your career.

Creative Writing Tips and Techniques

Do you really want to be a writer? If so! Stick with us we tell you about creative writing tips that guide you along the way.

Evolution Of A Fantasy Name

Names are everywhere in a fantasy story and names are, ultimately an important part of the story. Unless you are writing some sort of comedic fantasy it is hard to take a take a sorcerer named Tim seriously. Which is why just such a name for just such a character is used in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Tips on Writing – The Myth of Objectivity

Many people think that all journalism must be completely objective, that all journalists must keep their own personality, their own opinions out of anything they publish. Using the very opinionated Hunter S. Thompson as a case study, I posit that this is not even possible.

Writing With Authenticity, Even While Breaking the Rules

Writers of crime and legal drama often struggle with developing authenticity in their stories. Authenticity is critical to keeping readers or viewers engaged because they need to believe in your characters and your story. The world of criminal law has its own procedures, language and rules. Knowing the rules of criminal law is essential to creating a story with authenticity. However, that does not mean that the rules must always be followed.

Factors to Consider in Creative Writing

Creative writing is not only about giving information. It is about doing it while expressing your thoughts and emotions. You can be a creative writer if you will strive to become one.

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